only use professional face paints (eg. Tag, Fusion, Superstar, Bodyfx and Mehron), cosmetic-grade glitter and bio-glitter, skin-safe glue and medical tape for bling gems. I primarily use professional quality Qualetex twisted balloons which are made from natural latex - not plastic. My glitter tattoos are single-use as that is the most sanitary method. I also adhere to strict hygiene protocols with all my methods and supplies.

I cannot paint...
Anyone who is ill, with open sores or has any other conditions which may be contagious. Or any child who's crying or doesn't want to be painted.

Under 3yrs
Face painting is not recommended for children under the age of 3.


Although extremely rare, I cannot guarantee a reaction will not occur (if you have any concerns, a patch test can be done first).


Face paints can be easily removed with soapy water rubbed into the design and then rinsed off with water. If any colour remains, repeat the washing, or massage with moisturizer and wash off. If glitter has been used, please wipe it away from the eyes. Do not use baby wipes to remove face paint and please make sure all paint is removed before bed.

Glitter tattoos fade over a couple of days, but can be removed by rubbing some oil (eg coconut or vegetable oil) into the design for a couple of minutes until the design begins to lift, then wiping it off gently. This may need to be repeated.

Privacy / Photos
For private parties, (time permitting) I take photos of the painted guests which I forward to the party host to share individually with a child’s parents.
Any face-images you see on this website, have been included with full parental permission.

Health & Safety and Privacy

Face Painting by Ana written in bold blue letters on yellow backgroundFace Painting by Ana written in bold blue letters on yellow background